Advance Care Card the quickest and easiest way to pay for procedures and treatments not covered by your insurance. Advance Care has been a leading provider of patient financing solutions since 2008, and has worked diligently to provide patients the most affordable options to finance their procedures or treatment plans. Our programs provide affordable monthly payments with flexible terms. However you choose to use your card, Advance Care combines interest free financing with the flexibility you want.
Advance Care compiles all of the best credit card offers on the web into an easily accessible database. This benefits you by not having to go on the endless search for the right credit card. When you apply for one of the offers on their site, you are actually signing up directly with the bank! This means that the approval process is very short and you can receive your card quickly.
Best of all, Advance Care has credit card offers for all different credit types. Apply today and secure the financing you need and deserve.